Open Access BASE2014

Особливості організації навчального процесу з фізичного виховання майбутніх учителів початкових класів ; The Features of the Organization of Physical Educational in Higher Education Institution During the Preparation of Primary School Teachers


У статті наведено основні принципи та проблеми організації фізичного виховання у вищих навчальних закладах під час підготовки майбутніх педагогів початкових класів. Метою статті було проаналізувати стан і перспективи організації фізичного виховання студентів факультетів початкового навчання у процесі підготовки до викладання фізичної культури в школі. Встановлено, що освітня спрямованість навчання майбутніх учителів початкових класів з фізичної культури потребує суттєвого коригування з урахуванням сучасних вимог вищої школи. ; Improving the national system of higher education training of primary school teachers requires new approaches to the implementation in the educational process physical education that actualizes the search and development of the effective ways of forming professional knowledge and skills of teaching the subject «Physical Culture». The future teachers are implementer of government policy on the development and shaping of future generations. Preparation of the future teacherleads to professionalism and quality of work, and as a result the formation and development of the personality of the young generation. In the present state of development of the national system of teacher education the increasing requirements for teacher training are mentioned. The aim of the article is to analyze the situation and perspectives of physical education students of primary education, in preparation for the teaching of Physical Education at school. The analysis of scientific and methodological literature showed that the contents of the means, forms and methods of physical training of primary school teachers are not in accordance with their future athletic activities at school. At the same time the practice of preparation students of primary school require modernization of the educational process by providing a high quality organization. The educational focus of training for primary school teachers of physical training requires a significant adjustment of the current requirements of High School and a graduate of the real work. These shortcomings can be overcome only by scientific approaches to the process of physical education students: improving the content of the educational process, the development of effective methods of forming their knowledge of teaching methods, motor skills needed for a student learning types of motor exercises included in the program content «Physical culture» for the initial degree of schooling. The teacher orientation of physical education of primary school teachers should be present in the system of education as an important component of future careers.

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