Open Access BASE2018

Genesis of Education of Gifted Schoolchildren in the Usa, Canada and the Uk in the XX – Early XXI Cen. ; Ґенеза освіти обдарованих школярів у США, Канаді та Великій Британії у ХХ – на початку ХХІ ст


The aim of the article is to reveal the genesis of education of gifted schoolchildren in the USA, Canada and the UK in the XX century. Research methods. In the article the following methods are used: general research methods - analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification and generalization, which are necessary for studying the works of foreign scholars; comparative analysis which helped define the common features and differences in the process of gifted education development in the USA, Canada and the UK. Results. The main criterion for creating the subsequent periodization is the essential changes in the normative framework, content, forms and methods of implementation of GT education in the countries under study, which were carried out, first of all, with the aim of solving the problems of ensuring social justice in education, expanding the educational opportunities etc. An analysis of the research of the above-mentioned scholars allowed us to identify five stages of GT education development in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom in the XX - early XXI centuries: 1) institutionalization of the educational services (10-30s of the XX century); 2) diversification of the educational services (40-50s of the XX century); 3) mass character of the educational services (60-70s of the ХХ century); 4) modernization of the educational services (80-90s of the XX century); 5) digitalization of the educational services (10-20s of the XXI century). Conclusions. Conducted analysis of the peculiarities of GT education development in the USA, Canada and the UK during the outlined stages led us to the conclusion about the cyclical character of interest in GT education from the national/regional governments and educational policy-makers. Reforms in the sphere of GT education at all the stages were driven by the economic (economic crisis, competitiveness at the world labor market) and political (national defense, world leadership) factors. Taking into account the fact that modern stage of GT education development deserves special attention, content-procedural foundations of this process should be studied more detailed, at which further research in this direction will be aimed. ; У статті висвітлено ґенезу освіти обдарованих школярів у США, Канаді та Великій Британії у ХХ - на початку ХХІ ст. Виокремлено та схарактеризовано етапи розвитку освіти обдарованих школярів у досліджуваних країнах, зокрема: перший (10-30-ті рр. ХХ ст.) - інституціалізація освітніх послуг; другий (40-50-ті рр. ХХ ст.) - диверсифікація освітніх послуг; третій (60-70-ті рр. ХХ ст.) - масовізація освітніх послуг; четвертий (80-90-ті рр. ХХ ст.) - модернізація освітніх послуг; п'ятий (10-20-ті рр. ХХІ ст.) - дігіталізація освітніх послуг.

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