Open Access BASE2015

Protecting Cultural Space or Urban Re-colonization: When Do Cultural Districts Cross the Line?


The formation of arts and cultural districts or clusters may be organic or planned(or a hybrid) but they often result in dislocation of those outside the district'sdominant cultural group or those without escalating economic capacity. Somedistricts primarily serve real estate development interests; some propel local artists and creative enterprises; some protect space for community cultural expression and make life better for existing residents. Few can mix more than one ofthese purposes but for a short time. This paper reviews six cultural districts inthe United States, each at a different stage of a development continuum. In somecases district formation stabilizes a community, others transform or de-stabilize acommunity. Winners and losers are generally evident. The mix of local conditions,leadership, and policy choices determine their trajectory. Whether they evolve inways that foster civic engagement and accrue political capital among a wide rangeof stakeholders determines the winners and losers.




Chulalongkorn University, Thailand and Osaka City University, Japan



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