Open Access BASE2010

Importation and spread of pandemic influenza virus a(H1N1) in Autonomous Province of vojvodina in preepidemic period ; Importovanje i širenje pandemijskog virusa influence a(H1N1) u Autonomnoj Pokrajini Vojvodini u predsezonskom periodu


Introduction. Influenza is the most frequently reported communicable disease, having epidemic and pandemic potential. The first influenza pandemic in this century started in Mexico and spread quickly throughout the world. This paper analyses importation of pandemic influenza cases and local transmission among population in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Material and methods. According to the WHO guidelines and national recommendations, the influenza surveillance activities were conducted in Vojvodina in order to detect, isolate and treat affected international travelers and their close contacts. Patients whose pandemic influenza infection was laboratory confirmed were classified as confirmed cases, while those with symptoms who were epidemiologically linked with confirmed cases were classified as probable cases. Results. During the period from the 24th of June to 17th of August 2009, 123 pandemic influenza cases were recorded in Vojvodina. Infection was imported through international travelers and our citizens coming from countries affected by influenza outbreaks. Majority of cases had mild clinical picture. Most frequently reported symptoms were high fever (above 38oC) (85.6%), and cough (61.6%). Difficulty in breathing was recorded in 20 (16.0%) cases, while pneumonia developed in 4 (3.2%) cases but none of the cases required mechanical ventilation. Conclusion. The imported cases of pandemic influenza in the pre-epidemic period led to limited local transmission in general population and caused a small outbreak among visitors of International music festival called EXIT. ; Influenca je najčešća zarazna bolest sa pandemijskim potencijalom. Prva pandemija influence u ovom veku krenula je iz Meksika i brzo zahvatila čitav svet. Rad analizira importovanje prvih slučajeva i lokalno širenje pandemijske influence među stanovnicima Vojvodine. Nadzorom nad influencom u Pokrajini, u skladu sa smernicama Svetske zdravstvene organizacije i nacionalnim preporukama, obuhvaćeni su putnici u međunarodnom saobraćaju i njihovi kontakti. Bolesnici kod kojih je dokazana infekcija virusom influence A(H1N1) klasifikovani su kao potvrđeni slučajevi, dok su oni sa simptomima influence, epidemiološki povezani sa potvrđenim slučajevima, klasifikovani kao verovatni slučajevi. U periodu od 24. juna do 17. avgusta 2009. godine, na teritoriji Pokrajine su registrovana 123 slučaja pandemijske influence. Infekcija je importovana preko stranih i naših građana koji su dolazili iz zemalja sa lokalnom transmisijom virusa. Importovani slučajevi doveli su u predsezonskom periodu do ograničene lokalne transmisije u opštoj populaciji i epidemijskog širenja među učesnicima Egzita.

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