Open Access BASE2020

Decide together. The Citizens' Climate Convention and the democratic challenge ; Décider ensemble. La convention citoyenne pour le climat et le défi démocratique


While the Citizens' Climate Convention is coming to an end, how can citizens' proposals be put into practice as part of a democratic process? What place and form should the referendum take in political decision-making? ; International audience ; While the Citizens' Climate Convention is coming to an end, how can citizens' proposals be put into practice as part of a democratic process? What place and form should the referendum take in political decision-making? ; Alors que s'achève prochainement la convention citoyenne pour le climat, comment concrétiser les propositions des citoyens tirés au sort dans le cadre d'un processus démocratique ? Quelle place et quelle forme doit prendre le référendum dans la prise de décision politique ?

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