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The argument of the snake in Film in Alexandria: Legum Allegoriae, II, § § 71-105 ; La alegoría de la serpiente en Filón de Alejandría: Legum Allegoriae , II, §§ 71-105


The commentary reading by Filón de Alexandria opens a course of analysis allowing access to and presentation of sacred texts in the light of their full potential. The power of dialectic thinking is to think about things in a unit of identity and difference, which Filón used to lay the foundations for an interpretation, which is not free from the real or apparent contradictions imposed on it by the ecléctic social discourse of its time. Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences ; The allegorical reading by Philo of Alexandria opens up a way for an analysis that allows us the access to the sacred texts and to the totality of its possibilities. The faculty of the dialectical thought lies in thinking things in a unity of identity and difference, which Philo used to settle the bases of a hermeneutics, not without contradictions, real or apparent, that imposed on it the eclectical discourse of his time. ; The commentary reading by Filón de Alexandria opens a course of analysis allowing access to and presentation of sacred texts in the light of their full potential. The power of dialectic thinking is to think about things in a unit of identity and difference, which Filón used to lay the foundations for an interpretation, which is not free from the real or apparent contradictions imposed on it by the ecléctic social discourse of its time. Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences ; La lectura alegórica de Filón de Alejandría abre una senda de análisis que permite acceder a los textos sagrados y exponerlos a la luz de la totalidad de sus posibilidades. La facultad del pensamiento dialéctico consiste en pensar las cosas en una unidad de identidad y diferencia, que Filón utilizó para fijar las bases de una hermenéutica, no exenta de las contradicciones, reales o aparentes, que le imponía el ecléctico discurso social de su época. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación

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