Open Access BASE2020

The 'Chambon crisis', new links between territories, institutions, populations and science ; La « crise du Chambon », de nouveaux liens entre territoire, institutions, populations et sciences


-In 2015, a danger of upland flicking led to the cutting off of departmental road 1091 between the Upper Room and Grenoble. This cut is causing a social and economic crisis in La Grave and Villar-d'Arêne, two municipalities served by this road; this crisis continues despite the re-establishment of traffic. This article provides a qualitative analysis of the process of extending the territory of the High Range to the prism of the interferences, tensions and complementarities that have emerged between the inherent dynamics of the hazard, the political decision-making processes, the experiences (subjective and practical) of local populations and the surveys of researchers in social sciences and the environment. ; International audience ; -In 2015, a danger of upland flicking led to the cutting off of departmental road 1091 between the Upper Room and Grenoble. This cut is causing a social and economic crisis in La Grave and Villar-d'Arêne, two municipalities served by this road; this crisis continues despite the re-establishment of traffic. This article provides a qualitative analysis of the process of extending the territory of the High Range to the prism of the interferences, tensions and complementarities that have emerged between the inherent dynamics of the hazard, the political decision-making processes, the experiences (subjective and practical) of local populations and the surveys of researchers in social sciences and the environment. ; -En 2015, un danger d'éboulement de la montagne conduit à couper la route départementale 1091 entre la Haute Romanche et Grenoble. Cette coupure provoque une crise sociale et économique à La Grave et Villar-d'Arêne, deux communes desservies par cette route ; crise qui perdure malgré le rétablissement de la circulation. Cet article propose une analyse qualitative du processus de vulnérabilisation du territoire de Haute Romanche au prisme des interférences, des tensions et des complémentarités qui ont émergé entre la dynamique propre de l'aléa, les processus de décision ...

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