Open Access BASE2006

Moisture Performance Criteria for UK Dwellings

In: In: (Proceedings) IEA-EXCO Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems, Annex 41 \"Moist-Eng\" Kyoto Meeting, Apr 3-5 2006. (pp. pp. 166-175). : Kyoto, Japan. (2006)


The new ventilation regulations in England and Wales have introduced performance criteria for the control of mould. The UK Government\'s Building Regulations Research Programme has funded University College London (UCL) to investigate the extent to which these are the most appropriate criteria for thecontrol of mould in UK dwellings. This paper reports on the plans for this study which involve both field and laboratory related work. Some initial early work has already been undertaken and the paper summarises the progress to date. This initial work is based on analysis of data from a national study of England\'s Home Energy Efficiency scheme (Warm Front). Surveys were undertaken of dwellings and households participating in the scheme in five urban areas. Half-hourly living room and main bedroom temperatures and relative humidity measurements were recorded for two to four weeks (in the heating season) in approximately 1600 dwellings. This data is being analysed to investigate the typical relativehumidities that exist in UK dwellings and also any relationship that exists between these levels and the mould growth that was recorded.

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