Open Access BASE2017



Religious and cultural pluralism in society can initially Posoacculturation establish the values among migrants with indigenous peoples,on further developments, have taken place between the social disintegrationAmong of them, as a result of the escalation of conflicts horizontal, for a variety of interestsgrowing, especially the expansion of economic and political institutions apparatussecurity. (Military and police) and religious and cultural pluralism imagedas a zone of still volatile, so that the imaging strengthen. The existence of a conflict region as a market force.A balanced division of strategic positions in government withrepresenting Christian and Muslim communities should be governed by clearlocal regulation and other rules or mechanisms in mind The conflict became a powerful issue. The security forces should be acting professionally make Indonesia secure and peaceful, the circulation of the various means of violence, such as firearms and bombs in Indonesia also business security forces in the conflict zone is security indicators are not handled in a professional manner. On the other hand required maximum effort and courage attitude of the government, especially the law enforcement agencies to bring those involved in cases of corruption and military violence should be given a participation in the strengthening of base- civil basis, such as combating corruption and strengthening peace program division of tasks and functions of a clear distinction between the security forces and society civilians can help realize a peaceful ofIndonesia




Program Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau



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