Open Access BASE2016

Preparing religious education teachers to serve a pluralistic society


It is a fact that as Indonesians, we currently live in the midst of a pluralistic society. This condition can have two effects at once, both positive and negative. It becomes positive when we can maintain and care for the diversity and richness of culture, customs, race, ethnicity and religion. On the contrary, it can be negative and even a threat to the unity of this nation if mutual hostility because of existing differences grows and an attitude of tolerance is not adopted. To ensure that our nation becomes a harmonious and peaceful nation, it is important to introduce this diversity to our community. One way to introduce it is by multicultural education through the existing educational institutions or schools. Therefore, it is time for schools to welcome the adoption of multicultural education. This multicultural education can succeed if adequate human resources support it. One of the most important factors in organizing this multicultural education is teacher. No less important in this case is the presence of religious education teachers. They have a central role because it is they who will be the captain who can direct students in the desired direction. Today, there are still many religious education teachers who have not been able to get out of their zone of exclusion in delivering religious material to the students. So, at this time we need to prepare religious education teachers who have good qualifications, good competence as well as certified (according to government regulation). In addition to that, they have an open insight, are willing and able to apply an inclusive-pluralist religious paradigm. It is religious education teachers like this that must be prepared in the midst of Indonesia's current pluralistic society.

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