Open Access BASE2019

Film Theory


In this chapter I review six contributions to the field of film theory published in 2018: Carl Plantinga's Screen Stories: Emotion and the Ethics of Engagement (Oxford University Press); Miklós Kiss and Steven Willemsen's Impossible Puzzle Films: A Cognitive Approach to Contemporary Complex Cinema (Edinburgh University Press); Nicholas Godfrey's The Limits of Auteurism: Case Studies in the Critically Constructed New Hollywood (Rutgers University Press); Peter Krämer and Yannis Tzioumakis's The Hollywood Renaissance: Revisiting American Cinema's Most Celebrated Era (Bloomsbury Academic); Dorothy Wai Sim Lau's Chinese Stardom in Participatory Cyberculture (Edinburgh University Press); and Gina Marchetti's Citing China: Politics, Postmodernism, and World Cinema (University of Hawaii Press). The chapter has three sections: 1. Cognition, Emotion, and Ethics; 2. The New Hollywood; 3. Contemporary Chinese Cinema.

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