Open Access BASE1919

Fighting The Flu


• Influenza is continuing the claim victims in Lowell and throughout the state• Preventative measures must be used again to beat the disease• It was thought that the disease was gone, but since its reappearance, must be fought again to drive it from the city• The flu is pandemic and spread throughout the world; it was initially thought to spread by war, but it did not end when the war ended• "It is almost certain to appear again next winter" and "having gained strength• "Flu killed more Americans this fall than were killed in all the American battles with Germany."• In Lowell, the four McGilly sisters succumbed to the disease, the worst family case of influenza in the community• It is said that every dollar spent is a dollar spent to protect American life as the disease attacks half the population• The serums used have not been tested and certified by scientific authorities; testing and research cost money• A small set of experiments at the Naval hospital at Chelsea have proven successful, but is said to have been too small to prove conclusive• It is believed that to be effective, research work on the influenza should begin now• It is believed a liberal appropriation from the U.S. government of at least $5,000,000 should be granted without delay, and part of the money should go to the surgeon generals of the army, navy, and U.S. public health service, with the rest going to the president • "The entire amount should be spent in isolating the flu germ, (and) experimenting with the best methods of treatment" • It is believed there was an incalculable loss with this past winter's losses to the epidemic as there were many deaths in the United States, South America, France, England, Asia, and Central Europe• The discovery of a real flu preventative would be a gift to the world ; Newspaper article ; 10

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