Open Access BASE1918

Epidemic New In Name Only


• The following circular was issued to physicians yesterday by Dr. John B. Anderson, City Health Officer:• "The local profession has loyally assisted the health department in the past and no valid reason can be advanced why that stanch [sic] support will not be continued. As long as time exists men capable of independent thinking will be more or less individualistic in their ideas as to methods of effectually developing fundamental problems. However, the potential of action in unity has been handed down through the experience of ages, and had become an axiomatic principle of democratic government. As a result of the prevalence abroad of the so-called Spanish influenza the health officer is taking such precautions to safeguard the health of the city as are indicated by conditions and the apparent nature of the malady. Doctor, you may have laudable convictions as to methods of fighting a crisis like the present at variance with the routine established by those now in authority. However, our mutual aim is identical-suppress the flu, save life. To that end we request during the period of this present epidemic of influenza, that you treat every case of cold coming to your attention as influenza until the contrary is established, at least to the extent of insisting on the same exacting requirements, to wit. Keep the patient isolated; deny visitors to his presence; and have him remain isolated from the public for at least three days after the temperature shall have been normal; inform your patients that the only thing new about 'Spanish Influenza' is the adjective; that it is none other than the old fashioned familiar influenza, alias is grippe, doiled up in a new dress"…. "The state board of health has made influenza a reportable disease, as well as pneumonia, both broncho and lobar. In reporting pneumonia, please state whether or not the primary cause was thought to be influenza. With pneumonia report include name, address and age of patient. In reporting influenza, total daily number of new cases is the information desired. Instruct your office attendant to look after this detail." ; Newspaper article ; 9

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