Open Access BASE1554

By the Quene the Quenes highnes by thaduise and consente of her graces priuie counsayll is pleased & doth ordayne, that from the date and publication hereof forwardes, all maner Frenche crownes of the sunne, being of the iuste standerde finesse and weyght shalbe demed and accepted to be of the value of sixe shyllynges foure pence of curraunte moneye of this realme


1 sheet ([1] p.). ; Line 2 has "ordayne"; last complete line of text ends "raigne." ; "Geuen at our Palais of Westminster the eyghte daye of Marche, in the first yeare of our raygne." ; "Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum." ; Reproduction of original in: Society of Antiquaries.

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