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A proclamation set forth by the Kyng and Quenes most excellent maiesties with thaduice of theyr most honorable counsayle of certeyne moneyes and coynes of fyne gold & fine sylver with the valuation of the same, newlye set forth by theyr highnesse


1 sheet ([1] p.). ; Contains wood-cut initial. ; "Geuen at our pallaice of Westminster xxvi. daye of December, the fyrst and seconde yeares of our raygnes." ; "Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis." ; Reproduction of original in: Society of Antiquaries.




Excusum Londini :: In ædibus Iohannis Cawodi Typographi Regiæ Maiestatis,; Ann Arbor, MI; Oxford (UK) :: Text Creation Partnership

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