Open Access BASE1645

An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for Thursday next to be a day of thanksgiving within the lines of communication. And throughout the whole kingdome the 27. of this instant Iune, for the great victory. Obtained against the Kings forces, nere Knasby in Northampton-shire the fourteenth of this instant Iune. And ordered to be forthwith printed and published. Hen. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. Dom. Com. Together with two exact relations of the said victory the one from Livtenant Generall Cromwell to the Speaker of the house of Commons. The other from a gallant gentleman of publique imployment in that service, who relates all the particulars of the whole day, & what persons on both sides were taken, wounded, and kil'd


[2], 5, [1] p. ; "A gallant gentleman of publique imployment" = John Rushworth. ; Annotation on Thomason copy: on title page: "this is Crumwells owne trew letter on ye daye" [Thomason was wrong; this is only part of Cromwell's letter. See Abbott, "Writings and speeches of Oliver Cromwell", v.1, p.360; for complete text see "Three letters" (Wing F240)]; on page 5: "Mr Rushworths letter beinge ye secretary to his Excellence". ; Reproduction of the original in the British Library.




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