Open Access BASE1642

Anti-Cavalierisme, or, Truth pleading as well the necessity, as the lawfulness of this present vvar, for the suppressing of that butcherly brood of cavaliering incendiaries, who are now hammering England, to make an Ireland of it: wherein all the materiall objections against the lawfulness of this undertaking, are fully cleered and answered, and all men that either love God, themselves, or good men, exhorted to contribute all manner of assistance hereunto. By Jo: Goodwin


[2], 51, [1] p. ; Date of publication from Wing. ; Annotation on Thomason copy: "Oct: 21". ; Reproduction of the original in the British Library.




London :: Printed by G.B. and R.W. for Henry Overton, At his shop at Popes-Head-Alley,; Ann Arbor, MI; Oxford (UK) :: Text Creation Partnership

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