Open Access BASE1924

A journey in North America, containing a survey of the countries watered by the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, and other affluing rivers; with exact observations on the course and soundings of these rivers; and on the towns, villages, hamlets and farms of that part of the New-world; followed by philosophical, political, military and commercial remarks and by a projected line of frontiers and general limits



Atlas marked "v. 3." ; "Appendix. Correspendence between the governor of Louisiana and General Collot": v. 2, p. 273-285. ; Originally published in Paris, 1826 (both the French and English editions) The appendix, however, appeared in the French edition only. ; Vol. 1 contains a reproduction of the original t.-p. The t.-p. of the atlas, dated, 1826, is not a facsimile. ; "Sources": v. 1, p. xxvii. ; Mode of access: Internet.




Firenze, O. Lange

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