Open Access BASE1696

By His Excellency Coll. Benjamin Fletcher, captain general and governour in chief of His Majesties province of New-York, &c. A proclamation[.] Whereas I have this day received information from the Right Honourable the Lords of His Majesty's Privy Council, bearing date the 20th day of April last past, that the French are making preparations by shipping, and otherwise, for an attempt on some of His Majesties plantations in America . Given at Fort William Henry the second day of August . annoq; Domini 1696


1 sheet ([1] p.) ; Signed: Ben. Fletcher. God save the King. ; Royal arms at head of title.




[New York] :: Printed by William Bradford, printer to the Kings Excellent Majesty at the Bible in New-York.,; Ann Arbor, MI :: Text Creation Partnership

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