Open Access BASE1795

Letters containing a sketch of the politics of France : from the thirty-first of May 1793, till the twenty-eighth of July 1794 : and of the scenes which have passed in the prisons of Paris


Signatures: Vol. 1: [A]1 B-N¹² O²; v. 2: [A]1 B-M¹² N²; v. 3: [A]1 B-K¹² L¹⁰ (last leaf blank); v. 4: [A]1 B-K¹² L⁶ (last leaf blank). ; Pagination: Vol. 1: [2], 291, [1] p.; v. 2: [2], 268 p.; v. 3:[2], 233, [1] p.; v. 4: [2], 225, [1] p. ; Vol. 3 has title: Letters containing a sketch of the scenes which passed in various departments of France during the tyranny of Robespierre, and of the events which took place in Paris on the 28th July 1794. ; ESTC (RLIN) ; ESTC (RLIN) ; ESTC (RLIN) ; Mode of access: Internet. ; Binding (Pforzheimer Copy 2): Contemporary speckled calf, red morocco spine labels, spines ruled and numbered in gilt. Binder's title: William's [sic] letters. ; Binding (Pforzheimer Copy 1): Half tan mottled calf, black morocco lettering-pieces, gilt spine rules and titling, Stormont boards. ; Pforzheimer Copy 1: Vols. 1-3 only.




London : Printed for G. G. and J. Robinson .

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