Open Access BASE1889

The works of Walter Bagehot; with memoirs by R. H. Hutton


I. Editor's preface. Memoir of Walter Bagehot, by R. H. Hutton. Second memoir by the same. Extracts from articles on Oxford. List of alterations. Literary studies.--II. Literary studies. Religious and metaphysical essays. Letters on the French coup d'état.--III. The character of Sir Robert Peel. Lord Brougham. Mr. Gladstone. William Pitt. Bolingbroke as a statesman. Sir George Cornewall Lewis. The tribute at Hereford to Sir G. C. Lewis. Adam Smith as a person. Lord Althorp and the Reform act of 1832. Memoir of Right Hon. James Wilson. The Prince consort. What Lord Lyndhurst really was. Mr. Cobden. Lord Palmerston. The Earl of CLarendon. Mr. Lowe as chancellor of the exchequer. M. Guizot. Professor Bairns. Mr. Disraeli as a member of the House of commons.--IV. The English constitution. Parliamentary reform. The history of the unreformed Parliament, and its lessons. Physics and politics.--V. Lombard street. Economic studies. International coinage. Depreciation of silver. General index. ; Mode of access: Internet.

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