Open Access BASE2019

Dekonstruksi Hak Imunitas Anggota DPR Dalam Perspektif Equality Before The Law


AbstractThe birth of the Constitutional Court Verdict No.16 / PUU-XVI / 2018 has implications for the authority of the Council of Honors (MKD) of the House Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR-RI) which was previously regulated in Article 2 of Act Number 2 of 2018 concerning the Second Amendment to Act Number 17 of 2018 concerning the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), House of Representatives (DPR-RI), Regional Representative Council (DPRD), and Regional House of Representatives (DPD) (UU MD3). The problem in this study is First, how is the position of the right to immunity of members of the house of representatives in the perspective of equality before the law?. Second, how is the implication of the Constitutional Court No.16/PUU-XVI/2018 releated to the MKD (Council Honorary Court)?. This research is a normative study using a legislative approach, a historical apporach, and a case approach. The results of the study show that right of immunity of the DPR members not contradicting the principle of equality before the law as long as the meaning of the right of immunity does not cover the total immunity of the members of the DPR as citizens in general. In addition, the right of immunity only relates to the functions and authority and duties of the DPR. The verdict of the Constitutional Court No.16/PUU-XVI/2018 has implications on two things, the abolition of MKD authority in giving preliminary considerations before the Presidents written permission is born, as well as an agreement to call and request information from DPR Members in relations to criminal acts only through the Presidents permission.Keywords: House of Representatives, Constitutional Court, Equality Before The Law, RightOf Immunity.




Universitas Negeri Gorontalo



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