Open Access BASE2018

Madri, figlie e sorelle. Donne, famiglie e società nel pensiero sociologico di Anna Oppo


The aim of this contribute is to commemorate the sociologist Anna Oppo, who dead recently. Through her research, teaching activity and personal prestige, Anna Oppo supported the entrance of the sociology in the Sardinian University and the diffusion of the discipline in the public and political debate. In this manner, Anna Oppo supported the diffusion of the sociology in Sardinian University and she became an intecllectual reference for her professional community, for students and all Sardinian society. The list of her research subject allows to us to retrace the most important social change that endured the recent history of the Sardinian society. Specific attention could be reserved for the women's condition, individualization and self-determination process and, particularly the history and change of the family in contemporary society. This subject is the fil rouge of the Anna Oppo research activity and her favorite point of view of the society.

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