Open Access BASE2020

POSITION OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION IN STATE UNIVERSITIES / موقف التربية الإسلامية في الجامعة العامة


The spirit of Islamic education will not be understood without understanding its position in the context of the concept of Islamism itself. The issue of education is the decisive factor for the development of the nation. It is a top priority to implement it because, until now, Muslims have been very late in the field of education. Therefore, some of the parents, teachers, and members of the Indonesian community, many of them complain and warn that the content of religious education has not received sufficient attention from the government. The type of this research is descriptive research with a desk study approach. Based on the topic, explanation, and analysis, as mentioned in the conclusion of this research, the researcher provides a summary, which is on the following pillars: The concept of Islamic education is the formation and formation of an integrated Muslim human being in all its various aspects. The goals of Islamic education are to build a complete human being by developing the intellectual, spiritual, physical, avoid, cognitive, and behavioral issues. Education reaches the goal successfully, provided that the teacher and learner take into account descriptions, etiquette, and effort. HRD Indonesia, especially for the Muslim Ummah, is the correct answer. Islamic education is one of the possible development paths and is necessary because it is understood that education is an essential component in the development of human resources.

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