Open Access BASE2022

Perception on Press and Social Networks regarding the 2018 Feminist Movement. The Students of University of Concepción, Chile, Case ; Percepciones sobre prensa y redes sociales frente al movimiento feminista 2018. Caso de estudiantes de la Universidad de Concepción, Chile ; Percepções sobre a imprensa e as redes sociais contra o movimento feminista 2018. O caso de estudantes da Universidade de Concepción, Chile


The article discusses the results of an investigation around the new generational activisms, whichcan be observed in the various protest cycles associated with the Chilean student movementof the first part of the 21st century, specifically the Chilean Feminist Student Movement (FSM) of2018. The general objective of the research is to know and describe the main perceptions andvisions of the students of the University of Concepción about the FSM, in order to problematizethe emergence of a political subjectivity with a strong generational imprint in a context ofdeep collective malaise of the Chilean society. Methodologically, it has a quantitative approachcarried out through the application of online questionnaires and their subsequent analysiswith bivariate descriptive statistics and Chi Square statistical tests. Among the findings, ageneral delegitimization of the media treatment of the traditional press on the political actionof the MEF stands out, which is worse in the case of women, as well as a growing approval ofthe media treatment of alternative media regarding the same topics. The article concludes,by way of hypothesis, that we are in the presence of a crisis of hegemony in the constructionof meaning by the dominant elites associated with an erosion of narratives based on theneoliberal ethos and politics understood as expert management, giving way to new mechanisms ofsocial communication proposed by new subjectivities and generational activisms. ; El artículo discute los resultados de una investigación en torno a los nuevos activismosgeneracionales, susceptibles de observar en los diversos ciclos de protesta asociados con elmovimiento estudiantil chileno de la primera parte del siglo XXI, específicamente el MovimientoEstudiantil Feminista (MEF) de 2018. El objetivo general de la investigación es conocer y describirlas principales percepciones y visiones de los/as estudiantes de la Universidad de Concepciónsobre el MEF, a modo de problematizar la emergencia de una subjetividad política de fuerteimpronta ...

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