Open Access BASE2020



This research is aimed to elaborate political education concerning the issues of gender sensitivity in Indonesia and India, conducted by political parties by using comparative study. The specificity of this study is the selection of selected cases and critical problems.There are three political parties in Indonesia and three political parties in India become the subjects. Those six political parties in Indonesia and India have been conducting political education with each model and further describe the process of cadre recruitment which is typical both for the cadre of men and women based on the ideology of each party. It means that both in Indonesia and in India, the political education among political party still lack gender sensitivity. The implication, political party is needed a political education model based on gender sensitivity.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan pendidikan politik tentang isu-isu sensitivitas gender di Indonesia dan India, yang dilakukan oleh partai-partai politik. Ada tiga partai politik di Indonesia dan tiga partai politik di India menjadi subyek. Keenam partai politik di Indonesia dan India telah melakukan pendidikan politik dengan masing-masing model dan lebih jauh menggambarkan proses rekrutmen kader yang tipikal untuk kader laki-laki dan perempuan berdasarkan ideologi masing-masing partai. Ini berarti bahwa baik di Indonesia maupun di India, pendidikan politik di antara partai politik masih kurang sensitivitas gender. Implikasinya, partai politik memerlukan model pendidikan politik berdasarkan sensitivitas gender.

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