Open Access BASE2021

Pengaruh Cultural Intelligence terhadap Employee Voice Behavior dengan Ethical Leadership sebagai Variabel Mediasi ; Employee Voice Behavior of Governmental Organization


Previous research has tested the effect of cultural intelligence on voice behaviour by using transformational leadership as a mediating variable. This study presents a different perspective using the ethical leadership variable as a mediation. This study examines the effect of cultural intelligence on voice behaviour with ethical leadership as a mediating variable. Research data were collected from 492 employees of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. The results showed that cultural intelligence significantly affected employee voice behaviour and ethical leadership, mediating cultural intelligence and employee voice behaviour. This research can be used as a reference for application in multicultural organizations, especially in voice behaviour. ; Previous research has tested the effect of cultural intelligence on voice behavior by using transformational leadership as a mediating variable. This study presents a different perspective by using the ethical leadership variable as a mediation. This study examined the effect of cultural intelligence on voice behavior with ethical leadership as a mediating variable. Research data were collected from 492 employees of the governmental organization in Indonesia. The results showed that cultural intelligence had a significant effect on employee voice behavior and ethical leadership which mediated the relationship between cultural intelligence and employee voice behavior. This research can be used as a reference for application in multicultural organizations, especially in the application of voice behavior.




UNESA In Collaboration With APSMBI (Aliansi Program Studi dan Bisnis Indonesia)

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