Open Access BASE1982

Remarks at the announcement of the Brooks Hays Memorial Fund - Page 2


Remarks made by Senator Dale Bumpers at the announcement of the Brooks Hays Memorial Fund ; "Without popular education, popular government will be a farce or tragedy, perhaps both," we know that there can be no government of and for the people without government by the people, citizens of a racial minority, who meet the qualifications prescribed for electors, should not be denied a vote because of race, this, too, is basic. The third imperative is disciplined freedom. This embraces the right to maintain private schools at private expense, not as a substitute for public education but as a privilege in American life that not only adds to our cultural enrichment but helps to preserve the independence of view­point that makes freedom possible. this principle grants to both the proponents and opponents of proposed changes the right to organize, and their rights are not forfeited by methods and manners that are not admirable, so long as they are not illegal. Finally, there must be a due concern for the preservation of our common faith -- the faith which sustains our position of world leadership, if there were not other and higher motivations we would still be inspired to bind up the nation's wounds by the knowledge that a ruthless force is loose in the world and that our failure at this point would be exploited. the door that religion alone can open leads to a pure passageway of peace and justice.

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