Open Access BASE2020

Politika identiteta u prvim hrišćanskim zajednicama ; Identity politics in the first Christian communities


Nastanak i društveno-istorijski razvoj hrišćanskog identiteta u prva dva veka nove ere bio je inherentno vezan za etnički, religijski i politički antagonizam. Taj sukob bio je vidljiv na nekoliko različitih nivoa odnosa prvih hrišćanskih zajednica s njima savremenim religijskim i političkim akterima u divergentnom socijalnom pejzažu Rimske imperije. U slojevitoj mreži antagonizama i unutar labavo uspostavljenih početnih granica razvio se postepeno jedan sasvim Nov, transnacionalni i multietnički identitet, koji uskoro postaje i najveća, dominantna svetska religija. U ovom radu posebna je pažnja posvećena sukobu između hrišćanstva u nastajanju i dve glavne jevrejske religijsko-političke zajednice u prvom veku-sadukeja i fariseja, pri čemu su fariseji utrli put ka rabinskom judaizmu nakon 70. godine n. e. ; The main thesis of this work is that the emergence and social-historical formation of Christian identity in the first two centuries CE was inherently linked to ethnic, religious and political antagonisms. This conflict was manifested at several different levels of the relationship between early Christian communities and the coeval religious and political actors in a divergent social-historical landscape of the Roman Empire. The conflicts existed from the very outset: firstly, within the young Jesus movement (nascent Christianity) during its formative process; then in this movement's relationship with formative Judaism; finally, with the political establishment of the Roman Empire that treated Christianity as an extremely heterodox, adversary religion, exposed to occasional systematic persecutions. It is apparent that the social and ethnic identities are constructed and transformed both within communities themselves and in relation to their external social environments. Within that complex network of antagonisms and loosely defined initial boundaries, an entirely novel, transnational and multiethnic, Christian identity had been developed, becoming eventually a major and dominant world religion. In this paper, ...


Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet, Beograd i Udruženje za društvenu istoriju, Beograd

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