Open Access BASE2011

Change of actors of social security ; Promena aktera socijalne sigurnosti


Change of social security actors is one of often considered topics in theory of social policy, with controversial and above else insufficiently studied practical consequences. Common transfer of once exclusively public authorities to private and market institutions is not anymore characteristic for countries of liberal orientation only, but it became a broader social trend. Its acceptance was contributed by ever higher deficits in state budgets and thus created need for finding additional forms for provision of income and social security. To that end, reforms of social security system in Serbia did not depart from the world trends. Theoretical attitudes of Marxist collectivists, social reformists, moderate individualists, moderate collectivists and new rightist illustrate different (however supplementary) understandings of the relation of state and market competences in realization of social security. They represent an introduction into social practice, particularly present since 1980s, which testifies about (ir)reversible changes of social security actors. These changes in social security system of Serbia are presented through reforms carried out in the system of pension and disabled, health and insurance of unemployed, social and children protection. ; Promena aktera socijalne sigurnosti predstavlja jednu od često razmatranih tema u teoriji socijalne politike, sa protivurečnim i kontroverznim, a nadasve nedovoljno izučenim posledicama u praksi. Uobičajeno prenošenje nekadašnjih isključivo državnih nadležnosti na privatne i tržišne institucije, nije više karakteristično samo za zemlje liberalne orijentacije, nego je postalo širi društveni trend. Njegovom prihvatanju doprineli su sve veći deficiti u državnim budžetima i time izazvana potreba za pronalaženjem dodatnih formi osiguranja dohodovne i socijalne sigurnosti. Reforme sistema socijalne sigurnosti Srbije, u tom pogledu, nisu odstupile od svetskih trendova. Teorijski stavovi marksističkih kolektivista, socijalnih reformista, umerenih individualista, ...


Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet političkih nauka, Beograd

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