Open Access BASE2016

What is strategic politicial communication? ; Šta je strateško političko komuniciranje?


In this paper the authors try to identify the basic elements of the definition of strategic political communication - its function and actors, as well as the types and means of communication and forms of promotion these actors use. Taking into account earlier definitions of this notion and descriptions of the related phenomena, they are trying to delineate this concept from those most often associated with – 'public diplomacy' and 'political propaganda'. The authors draw attention to the importance of the Internet as a means of political communication and its contribution to changes in the strategy of organized political persuasion. ; U ovom tekstu autori nastoje da identifikuju osnovne elemente određenja strateškog komuniciranja u politici - funkciju, aktere te vrste i sredstva komunikacije i oblike promocije koji ovi koriste. Polazeći od mnoštva prethodnih određenja i opisa delatnosti pojave na koju se odnosi, oni pokušavaju da razgraniče ovaj pojam od pojmova sa kojim se najčešće dovode u vezu - "javna diplomatija" i "politička propaganda". Ukazuju na značaj interneta kao sredstva političkog komuniciranja i njegov doprinos promenama u strategiji organizovane političke persuazije.

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