Open Access BASE2021

Operation Chaos and the 2020 Presidential Election


It would be impossible to cover all of the questions and "hot topics" of American electoral politics in a single, or a single series of, films. But films are often very effective in explaining, one or two at a time, a variety of relevant issues, from voter suppression and legal machinations to the workings of an arcane and arbitrary electoral system. Film often manages to transmit the affective implications of fundamental issues that, in the minds of those who take advantage of them, would better remain obscure. Leaving aside series and documentaries—in which the will to explain and sometimes to denounce is perhaps more straightforward— and because it would be unwise to speak generically of such a prolific genre that continues to fascinate viewers, in this piece I will focus on just a number of films that, in dealing with the "behind the scenes" of election campaigns, draw attention to a number of issues that remain unsolved and that continue to be extremely relevant today. ; Irish Research Council




PopMeC Association for US Popular Culture Studies

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