Open Access BASE2010

ISEKI_Food Network: Role in Food Studies and Career of Food Scientists and Food Technologists


La Commission Européenne fi nance plusieurs réseaux académiques internationaux avec des objectifs orientés vers l'éducation et la formation, la recherche et les relations avec les industries et les gouvernements. En particulier dans le domaine alimentaire le réseau ISEKI_Food (Integrating Safety and Environment Knowledge In Food towards European Sustainable Development ( fut initié il y a 11 ans. Ce réseau s'est développé, montrant que les aspects internationaux des Sciences et Procédés Alimentaires sont de plus en plus importants pour les gouvernements, l'industrie et l'enseignement. The European Commission has been fi nancing several internacional academic networks, which the objectives are towards topics related with education/training, research, industry and governments. Particularly in the food fi eld, the ISEKI_Food (Integrating Safety and Environment Knowledge In Food towards European Sustainable Development - ( network was initiated eleven years ago. This network has been expanding, demonstrating that international aspects of food science and engineering, as well as related subjects, are more and more important for governments, industry and the academics.




Commission Internationale des Industries Agricoles et Alimentaires (CIIA)

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