Open Access BASE2021

Regulation on the Utilization of Lake Singkarak for Cultivation of Floating Nets (KJA) and the Constitutional Rights of Communities in the Lake Area: Pengaturan Pemanfaatan Danau Singkarak Untuk Budidaya Keramba Jala Apung (KJA) dan Hak Konstitusional Masyarakat di Kawasan Danau


This research aims to knowing arrangement of utilization of Singkarak lake for cultivation of floating-net cage fisheries attributed with the Constitutional rights of the community in the area of Singkarak lake Solok Regency, West Sumatra Province. Given the growing cultivation of floating-net cage fisheries in the area of Singkarak lake that can threaten the environmental sustainability in the lake area. This research is an emperical law research or sosiological (socio legal research). The result of this research knowing that On one hand the Indonesian 1945 Constitution acknowledges the existence of the rights of community right to live and earn a livelihood. So prohibit or restrict people to using the lake as a source of livelihood contrary by the Constitution, but let the developments of floating-net cage fisheries without strict regulation by the Government will also violate the constitution and the rights of the community of the next generation

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