Open Access BASE2022

Il nostro Maestro e noi


Nel 2021 Giovannella Cresci Marrone, Professore Ordinario di Storia Romana presso l'Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, è andata in pensione. Il volume ripercorre i suoi diversi interessi, attraverso la prospettiva di colleghi che con lei hanno condiviso esperienze particolarmente importanti dal punto di vista professionale e personale. All'indagine dei nuclei tematici che hanno caratterizzato la sua attività di ricerca segue una riflessione sugli aspetti maggiormente innovativi della sua didattica e del suo impegno istituzionale. Il volume si configura come un riconoscimento del fondamentale ruolo che Giovannella ha rivestito per i suoi numerosi allievi, i suoi moltissimi studenti e per tutti coloro che hanno in diversi modi potuto trarre profitto dal suo magistero. ; This book is a collection of essays in honour of Giovannella Cresci Marrone, Professor of Roman History at Ca' Foscari University of Venice, on the occasion of her retirement on 1 October 2021. The volume explores Giovannella's interests through the eyes of a group of colleagues, who, over the years and since the very beginning of her academic career, have shared with her significant experiences in a professional and personal capacity. The essays cover the main domains of Giovannella's scientific research: epigraphy and regional history, ancient writing cultures, historiography and political history, from the Greek classical period to the uses of the past in the twentieth century. Specific attention is given to the multiple patterns through which different areas of Italy were incorporated into the Roman world and to the scrutiny of several key figures of ancient history, such as Themistocles, Alexander the Great, Caesar, and Augustus, as well as their receptions. They also consider Giovannella's innovative teaching methodologies and her commitment to the institutions at which she worked. The book is conceived as a tribute to the crucial role that Giovannella has played for her many pupils, for her countless students, and for all those who have had the privilege of benefiting in different ways from her mentorship.

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