Open Access BASE2018

Aspekte der Interkulturalität in der Lyrik von Rolf Bossert und der rumäniendeutschen Autoren der Anthologie "Vînt potrivit pînă la tare" (1982)


The anthology Vînt potrivit pînă la tare. Tineri poeţi germani din România (1982) introduced to Romanian writers and readers a new poetry that used a direct language and referred to the social and political situation of Romania. The authors – Germans from Romania whose texts where translated into Romanian – are Anemone Latzina, Franz Hodjak, Rolf Frieder Marmont, Johann Lippet, William Totok, Richard Wagner, Rolf Bossert, Hellmut Seiler, Horst Samson and Helmut Britz. The young poets engaged during the 1970's in a dialogue with German literature, which allows an intercultural approach. The publication of the anthology was a daring gesture in the context of the 80's politics and had also an influence on the poetry of some Romanian poets.

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