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Enlightenment discussion about Heart in the Fourth Provincial Mexican Council, 1771 ; Un debate ilustrado sobre el Corazón en el IV Concilio Provincial Mexicano (1771)


In 1767, Society of Jesus was banished by the catholic Hispanic Monarchy. The reason arose from the disagreement with the interventionist politic of the Spanish Crown in ecclesiastical matters. In the New Spain, the arguments against Jesuit Fathers were increased greatly by the Enlightenment supporters, who also wanted to remove the devotions spread by the Society of Jesus. The most harmed devotion was the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which exerted such a popular influence that it affected the traditional iconography. ; La oposición manifiesta de la Compañía de Jesús contra el sistema regalista de la católica Monarquía Hispánica culminaría con el ostracismo de la congregación en 1767. Los debates antijesuíticos se extenderán por la Nueva España en aras de premisas ilustradas, que tratarán de erradicar las devociones difundidas por los jesuitas, principalmente la del Sagrado Corazón, cuya extensión iconográfica había afectado seriamente a la configuración del sistema icónico-pietista tradicional.

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