Open Access BASE2002

La necesaria reforma institucional en la Unión Europea



El entramado institucional comunitario que se definió en los años cincuenta, se revela insuficiente para hacer frente a las exigencias de un proyecto comunitario ampliado. Tras el Tratado de Niza se inicia el proceso constitucional de la Unión Europea en el que se reflexiona sobre la división de competencias, tanto de carácter vertical como horizontal. Se pretende dar protagonismo al debate sobre el proceso decisorio comunitario, estimulando la dimensión política del proyecto integrador. ________________________________________The Community institutional framework such as was defined in the fifties, is nowadays insufficient to deal with the requirements of a extended Community project. The European Union constitutional process began after Niza Treaty, that reflects on the competence division, so from a vertical point of view as a horizontal one. It is intended to have a debate about the Community decisive process, pushing the political dimension of a integrating project up. The Community institutional framework such as was defined in the fifties, is nowadays insufficient to deal with the requirements of a extended Community project. The European Union constitutional process began after Niza Treaty, that reflects on the competence division, so from a vertical point of view as a horizontal one. It is intended to have a debate about the Community decisive process, pushing the political dimension of a integrating project up.


Spanisch, Kastilisch


Universidad de Huelva

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