Open Access BASE2022

The acculturation of Thâ'ûn paradigm and pandemic in Islam based on nash and historical perspective


This study is an effort to create a new paradigm about the global pandemic by analyzing nash or the texts of the Quran, Hadith, Atsar, and the statements of early Islamic scholars. The content analysis methods used in interpreting the Quran, the criticism of Hadith and Atsar, and the historical studies in early Islam have found that Thâ'ûn is the global name for a pandemic that has hit the Islamic world. The advances in science and technology have visualized today's Thâ'ûn into the classification of names, types, and variants, but it is still globally accumulated as Thâ'ûn. The management of Thâ'ûn since the early Islamic period in the form of orders, directions, policies, and implementations has also been accommodated by the current generation, other countries, and governments with some modifications. This study also discovers that the major incidents that cause death have significantly and greatly affected the new normal order in humanity and social and Islamic law.

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