Open Access BASE2019

Preventing Radicalism by Family and Civil Society Organizations in Indonesia


This paper explores the role of women's organizations in preventing family-based radicalism. The research was conducted on two civil society women activist groups, namely Fatayat NU and Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK), who had concerns about empowering women through strengthening family resilience. Qualitative data was collected through interviews and focus group discussions. The results showed that the role of these activists in preventing radicalism can be categorized into two categories. Prevention of radicalism for families who have not been exposed to radicalism is done by strengthening family resilience through economic, health, education, socio-religious activities, and an increased understanding of radicalism, i.e. by detecting and avoiding radical ideologies. For high-risk families or those who have been exposed to radicalism, these civil society organizations provide intensive assistance through social based strengthening and trauma healing. Assistance to children of former terrorists is carried out by these organizations to ensure the fulfillment of children's rights as guaranteed by law. These organizations also collaborate with the government and NGOs to increase effectiveness in preventing family-based radicalism. The paper concludes that the role of women, families and communities is strategic in creating a harmonious family atmosphere and preventing family members from being exposed to radicalism.

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