Open Access BASE2010

Quantitative Analysis of News in Jordan: Empirical Study


This study depends mainly on the theory of quantitative research to analyse news in Jordan. The study also employs some quantitative analysis techniques that are needed to describe its findings and test its hypotheses. Its general goals are to identify specific factors that may constrain or facilitate the production of certain kinds of news, explore explanations of news worthiness, and identifies factors affecting news coverage. The results of the study are based on a sample of 3,352 news items that were collected from newspapers, TV and radio over a span of some 50 days. Four hypotheses about topics and dominance of certain news rather than others are tested. The study concludes that Jordanian newspapers reflect certain important issues such as political, cultural, economic and other social news more than TV which, in turn, presents these issues more often than the radio.




Deanship of Academic Research, The University of Jordan

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