Open Access BASE2017

Linguistic Rights and Conceptual Incarceration in African Education1


In 2014 the cultural agency of the United Nations issued a dismal assessment of education in Africa. The report noted that while, globally, a quarter of a billion children are failing to learn basic reading and math skills, resulting in an education crisis that costs governments $129 billion per year, the situation in Africa could only be described as catastrophic. Education on this continent had failed so miserably in its mission that 'four in 10 African children "cannot read a sentence"' (cited in Daily Nation 2014: 1). This equates to 40% of children, compared to 25% in other poor countries. The report attributed this situation to the fact that 'fewer than three-quarters of existing primary school teachers were trained to national standards, while 120 million primary age1 This paper was prepared as an invited keynote presentation in the Language Panel at the 10th Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 20-22 September, 2016. I thank Zehlia Babaci-Wilhite, Herman Batibo, Hatem A. Bazian, Langa Khumalo, Patricia Kwok, and David Kyeu, for comments. I am grateful to Jarvis Givens, Jessie Kabwila, Monica Kahumburu, William Kamkwamba, Pascal Kishindo, Wokomaatani Malunga, Francis Moto, Thoko Mtchona, Al Mtenje, John Mugane, Deo Ngonyani, and Matthews Sapemba Tisatayane, for discussions. Thanks to Judith Khaya and Renée Khaya for comments on education in Malawi. All views expressed are my own. In American Canyon, California, Flora Suya provided emotional support; Collin Domingo, José Flores, Savannah Garcia, Carole Lonzanida, Nicolas Rapacon, Scott Turnnidge, Teri Urrutia, and Vilma Wakin have always offered cheer when I needed friends.children across the world had little or no experience of school.' It concluded that the African education system does not equip the children with the desired literacy and math skills or scientific knowledge. However, it is silent on the role that language might play in attaining these goals and a well-rounded ...




University of KwaZulu-Natal

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