Open Access BASE2006

Nuevas perspectivas del MERCOSUR desde la vista de la Cumbre Eurolatinocaribe (EU-LAC) del 11 al 12 de mayo de 2006 en Viena


La ponencia tematiza las relaciones entre la UE y el Mercosur desde su creación con el foco principal en las perspectivas futuras desde la vista de los resultados de la Cumbre de Viena. Delante del trasfondo de las relaciones generales entre la UE y América Latina en total. Basándose en la tesis, que la cumbre de Viena no signifique una ruptura de repente sino el punto final de un proceso largo de alienación y distanciación. ; The article discusses the future of the relationship between the EU and Latin America, specifically Mercosur, in light of the EU-LAC summit this year in Vienna. On the basis of official documents of the summit as well as of alternative events, the study argues that the standstill in EU-Latin American relations is not a sudden rupture, but the culmination of a long-running process of polítical and economic estrangement. This situation was brought about by a fundamental change in the foreign policy of the EU, caused by internal and external crises as well as new challenges. For the relationship between the EU and Mercosur, this means: +) a medium-term failure of the planned biregional association agreement +) the concentration on specific common polítical goals and areas of interest (UNO, fundamental human rights, security policy, the European social project) ; Instituto de Integración Latinoamericana (IIL)

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