Open Access BASE2022

Whole-brain dynamics in aging: disruptions in functional connectivity and the role of the rich club


Normal aging causes disruptions in the brain that can lead to cognitive decline. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging studies have found significant age-related alterations in functional connectivity across various networks. Nevertheless, most of the studies have focused mainly on static functional connectivity. Studying the dynamics of resting-state brain activity across the whole-brain functional network can provide a better characterization of age-related changes. Here, we employed two data-driven whole-brain approaches based on the phase synchronization of blood-oxygen-level-dependent signals to analyze resting-state fMRI data from 620 subjects divided into two groups (middle-age group (n = 310); age range, 50–64 years versus older group (n = 310); age range, 65–91 years). Applying the intrinsic-ignition framework to assess the effect of spontaneous local activation events on local–global integration, we found that the older group showed higher intrinsic ignition across the whole-brain functional network, but lower metastability. Using Leading Eigenvector Dynamics Analysis, we found that the older group showed reduced ability to access a metastable substate that closely overlaps with the so-called rich club. These findings suggest that functional whole-brain dynamics are altered in aging, probably due to a deficiency in a metastable substate that is key for efficient global communication in the brain. ; A.E. was supported by the Catalan project Imagenoma de L'Envelliment (Aging Imageomics Study). G.D. was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain (grant agreement number PSI2016- 75688-P, MINECO/AEI/FEDER-EU); European Union's Horizon 2020 FET Flagship Human Brain Project (grant agreement number 785907, HBP SGA2); the Catalan Research Support, Spain (grant agreement number 2017 SGR 1545) and La Marató TV3 2017 (grant agreement 201725.33).

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