Open Access BASE2017

The Future of Refugee Law: RLI Working Paper Series Special Edition (Papers 16–22)


Contents 16. International refugee law – yesterday, today, but tomorrow? - Guy S. Goodwin-Gill (page 1) 17. The universal asylum system and the 2016 New York Declaration: towards an improved 'global compact' on refugees? - Terje Einarsen and Marthe Engedahl (page 10) 18. The origins of 'burden sharing' in the contemporary refugee protection regime - Claire Inder (page 25) 19. Bilateral resettlement agreements: any promising future for expanding refugee protection space? A case study of the Guantanamo ex-detainees seeking asylum in Central Asia - Khalida Azhigulova (page 42) 20. Non-refoulement under the Inter-American Human Rights System - Rodolfo Marques (page 58) 21. Resettlement mission: under international law, can the Security Council issue resolutions obligating states to resettle displaced persons? - Margarita Fourer (page 70) 22. The European Union Temporary Protection Directive: an example of solidarity in law but not in practice – a review of temporary protection in the European Union (1990–2015) - John Koo (page 96)

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