Open Access BASE2021

Soziale Arbeit in der Inklusionsfalle. Terminologische Unbestimmtheit, ethischer Anspruch und neoliberale Wendung. ; Social work caught in the inclusion trap. Terminological indeterminacy, ethical claim and neoliberal turn



The analysis of the concept of inclusion in a scientific context and the inflationary classification of different practices as inclusive suggest a rethinking of inclusion as a guiding concept in social work. Inclusion in the sociological sense means something other than the pedagogical postulate of education for all. Inclusion is sometimes understood as a method (inclusive education), sometimes as an ethical principle (human right) and sometimes as a global goal (the inclusive society). In the neoliberal model, inclusion represents a practice of obligation to contribute to economic growth and to comply with market requirements. Due to its proximity to the everyday life of the people, social work has a growing role to play in pointing out the tension between an inclusion promise in the front stage and a back stage on which social exclusion is legitimised.

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