Open Access BASE1990

Aspects of the socio-economic structure of roman maritime commerce ; Roman maritime trade in the Western Mediterranean


Talking about socio-economic structure of Roman Maritime Commerce on this occasion and to the present audience makes me feel like carrying the proverbial coals to Newcastle. I must confess straightaway that this is a totally new field of research for me. Until I obtained my doctorate from London University in 1975, and for a couple of years after, I concentrated my energy almost solely on Classical art, in particular Roman portraiture in relief; which explains the inclusion of the third part of my paper which some of you may find intrusive in the discussion of the theme of this conference. Since then, with my assumption of teaching duties at the University of Malta, barring one or two occasional contributions to Roman sculpture, I was forced by geographical, economic and logistical circumstances to focus my attention on the archaeology of my homeland. ; peer-reviewed

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