Open Access BASE2015

Final report on summer schools


This report describes the main objectives, implementation details and outputs of PERSEUS summer schools held in Constanza, Gelendzik and Anavyssos. The specific objective of this deliverable is to give an overview of the three training courses held within the course of the PERSEUS project, providing details of the thematic content of the same training courses and of the skills imparted to participants as a result of such training. In this way, this deliverable might prove useful to those entrusted to design and offer future marine environmental policy training in the SES as a showcase of good training practice. By underscoring the most significant outputs emerging from such training courses, this deliverable also aims to demonstrate how PERSEUS has contributed in a tangible manner towards a new scientific vision for the SES. This deliverable achieved this jointly with the two sister deliverables 8.3 and 8.4, contributing to the fostering of a PERSEUS community of trained MSFD practitioners who can extend the legacy of such a project beyond its lifetime by assisting their respective countries and institutes in achieving MSFD goal compliance through the PERSEUS training they have received. ; peer-reviewed

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