Open Access BASE2003

Realising a thriving Maltese biotechnology industry by 2015


Presented here is the documentation of the biotechnology foresight pilot project carried out as part of the EU fifth framework project eFORESEE. A bottom up approach was selected and therefore the general opinion of the stakeholders involved in biotechnology is herein documented. The core objective of this pilot is to produce a plan to develop the fledgling Maltese biotechnology industry into a core sector of the Maltese economy by 2015 through a collaborative venture between academic institutions, the public sector and private enterprises. Biotechnology is predicted to be an area for the next economic growth. The European Commission itself is preparing to reap the benefits of this technology and has already outlined the strategy to be followed (COM(2002)27final). ; The eFORESEE Malta Project was a co-sponsored foresight project between the European Union and the Maltese Government, under the Fifth Framework (FP5) STRATA Programme for research, technological development and demonstration (RTD), which programme promotes dialogue between researchers, policy-makers and other societal actors on general science, technology and innovation (STI) policy issues of both European and national relevance. ; N/A

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