Open Access BASE2017

CyberParks and geoaesthetics : reading modern technology after Nietzsche


Although Nietzsche never mentioned the term geophilosophy or geoaesthetics, from his work emanates a thought connected to the Earth, and to a new direction for the Earth, in order to achieve the Übermensch. Geoaesthetics is assumed as the latent purpose of Nietzschean geophilosophy, aiming to build the world from the artist's figure. And all can be artists, when thinking and constructing, critically and creatively, one direction to Earth (Sinn der Erde). This construction presupposes a Menschen-Erde, that is, a planetarian humanity – that might be attained communally through new medial practices. Now, with the expansion of territories through technics, construction isn't exclusive to real space, but also concerns virtual or outer space architectures. This is an attempt to read the notion of CyberParks through Nietzschean perspective and regards the implementation of land art and site-specfic art projects as further developments of a CyberPark. ; Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union. ; peer-reviewed

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